• 619.985.9390
  • madison @ karenmadison.com
Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System

Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System

Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System
Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System
Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System
Veeco Wyko Interferometer NT3300 Profilometer Profiling System
with TMC Anti-Vibration Table
Appears to be missing the *stage*

Includes:  including an IXS2 Objective (IXC2020), some cables and adapters, a used filament, some brackets and hardware, a new-in-box Gilway 6V 20W bulb (p/n L7388), an NVidia P538 Video Card (DP/N 0TW212 / CN-0TW212-13740-8AH-02PU-A02; in anti-static bag with a Post-It Note reading “Good Video Card”), and an Objective/Optical Adapter .

YouTube Vid:


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